We are so excited to participate in Giving Tuesday on November 29.
Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving that harnesses the power of social media to raise awareness and funds for important causes like our Life Success Program.
At Hollyburn Community Services Society we work hard to address social issues in our community and we believe that GivingTuesday is a great way to further our work. Watch for us on November 29 and please consider making a donation to our campaign. Help make a difference in the lives of homeless youth. We have set a goal of $5,000, help us to reach this goal!
We work hard to move youth from the streets into housing and we need your help to keep them off the street. You donation will help formerly homeless youth to learn how to live independently, secure housing, forge pathways to employment and post-secondary education and build healthy relationships. Help us help them. Every little bit helps and we are so grateful for your support!