Now Accepting Applications for the January 2025 Cohort!
To apply, or for more information, FILL OUT THIS FORM
Designed for young adults aged 16-29 years old with an interest in pursuing a career in the skilled trades. Offered through the Young Adults at Risk Program and funded through the Canada–British Columbia Workforce Development Agreement.

Rewired for the Trades is a 12-week paid program that begins with 4 weeks of classroom instruction including site and career tours, relevant certifications, and vocational assessments to identify your strengths and interests. The program helps you make a plan on how to move forward in your career journey.
Once you finish your classes, you will have an 8-week paid work experience in your trade of interest. Upon completion we will support you to find employment, or help you to get the education, training, and additional certifications you require to move forward on your chosen path, including apprenticeships.
For questions or further information, please call 604-988-1292