Wired for Success

Wired 4 Success is a North Shore youth employment program designed specifically for youth, 15 to 30 years of age, with barriers to employment. This program is well-suited for youth who lack work experience or employment skills and face barriers to employment including but not limited to mental health, disadvantaged background, or lack of education/training. 

Wired 4 Success offers a 4 week group training program plus a 4-8 week work experience to help youth develop valuable employment and life skills. This training includes strength based assessments, personality testing, budgeting and financial literacy as well as resume, cover letter and interview skills to mention but a few. There is basic certifications offered in; First Aid, WHMIS, and Food Safe. Youth are paid to participate based on a 30 hour work week at minimum wage. The conclusion of the program is the additional week in class where participants are supported in job applications.

The program is designed to help youth develop the skills and tools needed to find work, return to school, or a combination of both. 

 To qualify for this program, the following criteria must be met: 

  • Canadian Citizen or legally entitled to work in Canada 
  • Must be 15 to 30 years old 
  • Have barriers to employment (e.g., lack of employment skills or work experience) 

If you or someone you know is interested in the program or needs more information, contact us at: 604-988-1292